Love is the only true revolutionary ideal of humankind. This is not only the revolution of societies, systems, governments nor politics. This is the revolution of the mind. Love, in all its compassion and care, is the thing that differentiated human beings from other animals; and love, profound and deep, which seeks no cause nor sacrifice, is the thing which will cause humankind to become humanity. Nothing is capable to change the world for the better as unconditional love towards everything.
What I am suggesting is not a step, it is a leap towards a better future, a dream which was for a long time nurtured in the egg-shape of our sculls. All such “good qualities must be sown and cultivated. We can not expect to change overnight from” a biological, egoistic human being into a Human, one filled with love and inseminated with higher realizations. If we forsakes love, if we compromise equality of all men and women we are all deprived of our humanity. I am deeply touched by the massacre in Norway, yet I am even more influenced by the people saying that my sorrow is foolish, that my pain is not real. Have we as people become so numb for the hardships of others? Have we forgotten so fast the times when we endured through hardship? Let no one say that at those times we were alone. Let no one say that one should look after him- or herself first. We are the keepers of our brothers and sisters, and it should be self-evident to us that we are all brothers and sisters under the stars: as all clouds are made from the same matter, so much more are we made from the same spirit.
Once again, I propose this leap towards the future, towards the one World Government; a Federation of Humans, equal not only in rights but also in means to exercise them. I do not propose a new World Order as conspiracy theorists see it. Quite the contrary, I propose a new order in which such ideas of an elite ruling over the many will not be possible. I propose a society of men and women in partnership with one another, where we are equal in spirit of love, and cherish the differences of all. I propose not an utopia for I realise that all human creation cannot be perfect nor ideal, yet I propose striving ever to that ideal of love, compassion and peace. I propose not the federation of nations – I do not believe in them, yet I propose this Federation of Planet Earth, of all Humans, all men and women.
What we see in the time of today is crumbling of the old unions. What they are is obsolete. They were built in the dawning of the materialistic age basing their unity either around economy, politics towards others, or around weapons, arms and military. These are all imperfect, human creations, built for the sake of the egos. They are not natural, inherent to human nature. Money and economy is unnatural, so are politics and states, so are weapons and wars and armies.
The first point of the Federation should be based on the meeting of the minds: that all people communicating no matter in which language, naturally communicate in the language of love. In a peace-bound society, where every person feels safe from all other persons, and even more feels all other persons to be as his brothers and sisters, no malicious thought should arise towards another, unless the mind be sick, and even then it can be cured by love and understanding.
The second point of the Federation should be based on the meeting of the minds: that all people are born equal under the law, with equal rights, and that the law and the law enforcement serves to ensure to all equal means to execute those rights.
The third point of the Federation should be based on the meeting of the minds: that the revolution in which it is created is not one manifested rapidly, nor by violence of any kind. It is a peaceful, gradual egzovolution which started by sowing the seeds of love in the hearts and the minds of the little ones, then gradually turned into an egg, which is now hatching from within. From this egg we strive not to produce the phoenix for he is the symbol of old, of death and resurrection. We strive to produce the Sun of the new everlasting golden day.
Thus the first steps of this new society have started in the schooling systems, have continued to grow through practice and work, and will now come to life and live forever as a burning, soft flame of love in the harts of all.
We should all rejoice and feel happy in our hearts, yet we must never forget the sorrows lest they repeat themselves. The equilibrium of balance is the true key of love and happiness through love. Time is not a culprit against us, but a nurturing father of us, and the Nature of Love, the Essence of Love is the mother of all. Patience is the virtue of true love, compassion, care and equality are its only children.
Е овако. По неким мојим схватањима, такав свет би могао послужити као нека дефиниција раја (додуше, ја га тако дефинишем, јер имам своје тумачење хришћанства). И апсолутно се слажем са комплетним текстом, али и даље тврдим да ће постојати струје које неће желети овај свет, те ће и даље морати да се направи неки степен оружане револуције, јер садашње владе немају интерес у њиховом нестајању и док год постоје органи власти као сада, они ће се трудити да онемогуће сваки покушај буђења свести. Да би народ почео да прати идеју, потребно је да та идеја постигне нешто велико, јер се народ једино тако може покренути, пошто људи постају јако пасивни и не покушавају да мењају систем.
ReplyDeleteИ опет се слажем са тврдњом да се то не може десити одједном. Свест се не мења преко ноћи, као што ни читав овај свет није створен преко ноћи. Општа едукација прве генерације одраслих ће бити одличан основ за даље ширење љубави у будућим генерацијама. Пробуди свест у једној генерацији и даље генерације ће учити од њих.
Све у свему, одличан текст, одлично размишљање. :)